* SAVE: This is the big one. How are people supposed to play a game that you can't leave when your cat (or children, stomach, bladder, etc.) starts demanding attention?? * Mouse Sensitivity (cursor) * Scroll Speed (keyboard) * Scroll Speed (mouse at edge of screen)
* Automatically end turn when you run out of action points toggle on/off (I see why some people would want it on, but for me it's a real pain if I'm e.g. moving crew members around and the moment I do my last action, suddenly my ship is taking damage and I haven't yet zoomed out to see who's shooting exactly)
Will update as I think of more and/or hear from devs about plans.
This is golden information! Thank you so much!
Will add the save message to the demo soon.
I will also investigate best practice designs in how to make the save system! =)
Thanks for adding your feedback!
Hmmmmm. The core tactical gameplay is interesting enough to support complex battles by the end of the game, maybe some that take 30-60 minutes (at least, for those of us who are on the slower end.) My patience for losing work is only about 10 minutes; if it's been longer than that and something happens, I start to go "ARRRRGH, I wish I [could have] saved!" So, I would certainly want mid-battle saves; there are some games I don't play as much as I otherwise would because they don't have that feature and I know that once I start, I won't be able to safely stop to eat dinner/go to bed/etc. when I need to. (I have 274 hours logged in Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, but I know some of those are from falling asleep in front of it overnight and/or leaving it running in the background all day because you can't save and exit mid-battle. Which got old, so these days I don't play it much even though the story was just getting good.) Even if I'm just getting up to go to the bathroom and planning on coming right back, I feel safer if I can save first, in case my own personal Space Cat decides to get creative while I'm away. :P But, I also understand that recording the position and condition of each ship and object in a battle is more complex than just saving what mission you're on and the specs/inventory for a single ship. You might want to do a poll for that part, like, "How important is being able to save mid-battle for you? Very important / nice but not essential / not important to me" or something like that. Either way, though, I would definitely recommend having a Save button in the menu (even if it ends up being grayed out during fights) and/or a "When you see this flashing icon, the game is being saved" screen as part of the tutorial (and of course, making that true.) As it is right now, I was left hoping that the game was saved somewhere, because I hadn't seen any indication of it. Communication is key :)
The options you mentioned will be added.
About the save feature - right now it saves when going into a new level (that was the easiest to develop at the moment)
A more dynamic save system (mid turn) is gonna be way harder to make. Do you think its super necessary?