So, after a little over an hour of searching, I finally found the dialogue text, in sharedassets2.assets. Sadly, after editing it, the game crashes on loading the level, meaning I probably messed up the asset bundle in some way. A good way to avoid the issue would be to separate the dialogue text, and then have the game retrieve it from there. This would also make it significantly easier to do localization down the road, since you'd only need to add a text file and insert the new text. A good example of this is Hardspace: Shipbreaker, which does exactly that. Text modding that game is as simple as opening the text file, making a change, and saving. Can *probably* provide more info on their system if you want it, but I'm not great at reverse engineering. I know modding isn't exactly your highest priority right now, but I hope you'll make the change at some point, even if it's just to make localization easier. Also, the text is missing a ton of punctuation, and has lots of small grammar/spelling errors, which is why I'm working on text modding.
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This is really helpful information torf!
I am only one person working on this game so I need to pick my battles.
would you like to read the full plot of the game? I wrote it in a script format.
if so, email me