Hello All,
First post here on the forums. I originally saw the game on KS, but didnt get a chance to back it. However, I have been following it on Steam.
I downloaded and played the demo yesterday. It was a fun little romp and I enjoyed it for the most part. I do have a couple questions and comments.
It seemed like for a demo there were not enough guidance in what to do. It was nice that it said things like explore the derelict and such, but it seemed to leave you hanging in a couple places.
Speaking of the Derilect, it was cool having the choose your own adventure options, but I think it would have been much cooler to have another ship make that you could move around and explore. Maybe fight some monsters or something. I never had any onboard combat in my demo, so the onboard movement seemed a bit less exciting or useful. That said, I did like having a ship interior and the special abilities of the different rooms.
After exploring the Derelict ship, there was a pile of green cubes and a marker to the far north (top) of the map. I was never actually able to scroll far enough to clearly see the area, but I could move the ship there. There was no label for the marker I could see either, so I am not sure what it was all about. No log entry that I noticed either. Just floating loot.
The mission breifing about the gas cloud and the derelict made it seem like we should not blow up the clouds, especially where the Derelict was. But I basically had to as the ships were coming toward me through it. Maybe something that indicates the Derelict could survice a gas explosion would be helpful.
Overall, pretty happy with the game. I look forward to seeing what it is like when finished.
Thank you so much for the great feedback! can't wait for you to play the full game! Only 20 more days!